Lineman College Programs

Mesa Hotline School serves as a model for providing training for private and non-profit utility companies as well as contractors. Manufacturers and consultants combine in a total effort to offer the ultimate in repair and maintenance of electrical transmission and distribution systems. The school, held the first two weeks in May is unique in that it is the only program of it’s type in the western United States. The school consists of two one week sessions.

If you are interested in becoming an apprentice in the electric industry and would like to enroll in a lineworker program the following links will provide you with valuable information about each program.

Colorado Mesa University Tech

Colorado Mesa University Tech lineworker program information can be found at and enter “lineworker” in the search engine. For more information contact CMU Tech Office at 970-255-2600, Nick Reimer cell 970-200-4798, The CMU Tech lineworker program is located in Grand Junction, Colorado.

Western Nebraska Community College

Western Nebraska Community College lineworker program information can be found at The WNCC lineworker program is located in Alliance, Nebraska.

Rocky Mountain Lineman School / Trinidad State Junior College

Rocky Mountain Lineman School / Trinidad State Junior College lineworker program information can be found at and enter “line technician” in the search engine. For more information contact Daniel Wilson at 719-846-5567. The RMLS lineworker program is located in Colorado Springs, Colorado.